San Fernando Meditation Group
Self-Realization Fellowship

Activities and Special Events
Click Here for the 2024 Calendar of Events

Bimonthly Potlucks
The group holds a potluck social twice a year. Devotees are asked to bring a vegetarian entree, fruit juice, fruit or dessert. This is a wonderful opportunity for devotees to relax and socialize with each other in a spirit of harmony and divine love.

Annual General Meeting
This year's Elections was held on Sunday, 21st January, 2024.

On Carnival Monday (Jouvert), the group usually holds a retreat at the Wild Fowl Trust in Pointe A Pierre from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. The entrance fee to the Trust is TT$20. Carnival Monday was on 12th February, 2024.

Annual Book Exposition
The San Fernando Meditation group used to host a booth at The Trinidad World Peace Festival (TWPF) which was held annually in June at the National Academy for the Performing Arts (NAPA) in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. The Festival no longer exists.
We now have a book table at the Divali Nagar, inside the Dome in the Religious/Meditation Section. The books and recordings of Paramahansa Yogananda and other publications of Self-Realization Fellowship were made available to the public at this event.
However, all SRF books, CDs, DVDs, calendars and magazines are on sale at Veneris Plaza, Couva.

Annual Nature Walk
Each year, on the Republic Day holiday, 24th September, the group has its Annual Nature Walk. Even though the venue may change annually, the event is a wonderful time for devotees to picnic and meditate together in the outdoors.

SRF Book Table
Every Sunday, after the Readings Service or Main Weekly Service, SRF books and other publications and recordings are available for sale on a table at the back of the chapel. Anyone wishing to purchase these items can do so at this time or can purchase them from the online bookstore at the main website.
In waking, eating, working, dreaming, sleeping, serving, meditating, chanting, divinely loving, my soul constantly hums, unheard by any; God, God, God!
-- Paramahansa Yogananda